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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. Plants of the World Online

    The native range of this species is S. Tropical S. Africa. It is a succulent shrub or tree and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. It is has environmental uses, as a medicine and for food. Taxonomy. Images.

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. - World Flora Online

    2023.8.15  The World Flora Online Sign in Browse Classification Browse Images Contribute Data Download Data wfo-0000757866Aloe arborescens Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8

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  • 木立芦荟 - 搜狗百科

    2023.5.18  木立芦荟(拉丁学名:Aloe arborescens Mill.),别名为浓藻花、 大芦荟 、本芦荟、 木本芦荟 等, 木兰纲 天门冬目 阿福花科 芦荟属植物 。. [1] [2] 木立芦荟高可达 1-2米 ,苞片卵状条形,先端钝,茎常

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  • Aspects of the taxonomy of Aloe arborescens Mill.

    2012.1.1  Aloe arborescens Mill's extracts have been explored for antibacterial and antioxidant efficacies. However, there is limited information on its chemical composition and mechanism of action.

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. - GBIF

    Aloe arborescens var. pachythyrsa A.Berger Aloe fructicosa Lam., 1783 Aloe perfoliata subsp. arborescens Aloe perfoliata var. arborescens (Mill.) Aiton Aloe perfoliata var.

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  • Plants Free Full-Text Chemical Profile,

    2023.2.15  Aloe arborescens Mill’s extracts have been explored for antibacterial and antioxidant efficacies. However, there is limited information on its chemical composition and mechanism of action. The purpose of

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. [family ALOACEAE] on JSTOR

    Aloe arborescens Mill. [family ALOACEAE], Gard. Dict. ed. 8: Aloe no. 3 (1768). —J.G. Baker in F.C. 6: 322 (1896). —Berger in Engler, Pflanzenr. IV, fam. No. 38, III, II (Heft

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  • Aloe arborescens - USDA Plants Database

    2023.3.31  Aloe arborescens Mill. - candelabra aloeP. Documentation. State. Type. Symbol. James, S.A., and C.T. Imada (eds.). 2007. Pacific Basin vascular plant checklist.

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. (Asphodelaceae) is spreading in Portugal

    2009.7.1  This work records the spread of A. arborescens further north along the Portuguese coast, especially around the coastal town of Nazaré, where this species has become firmly established as part of the introduced flora of the country. Summary: Two species of Aloe L., Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. and A. arborescens Mill. have been recorded as

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. - asturnatura

    2015.2.15  Nomenclatura. Publicación original Aloe arborescens Mill.. Gard. Dict., ed. 8. n. 3. 1768 Ind. loc. No indicada de forma expresa Etimología de Aloe Del griego alóe, es f.; lat. aloe, -es f., aloa, -ae f. y

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  • TODO sobre el Aloe arborescens - Cactus,

    2019.6.26  El Aloe arborescens, es otro de los aloes más conocidos y que también nos aporta cantidad de usos medicinales. Se asemeja a un cactus y produce flores de color rojo carmesí, en invierno. Se le llama

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew

    Aloe arborescens Mill. First published in Gard. Dict., ed. 8.: n.° 3 (1768) This species is accepted The native range of this species is S. Tropical S. Africa. It is a succulent shrub or tree and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. It is used as a medicine, has environmental uses and for food.

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  • Antimicrobial activity of different Aloe barbadensis Mill. and Aloe ...

    2012.3.16  The interest on Aloe based natural products is fast growing during recent years, particularly regarding their nutraceutical and antimicrobial properties. However, the information available on this item is limited and discrepancies can be found in literature. In this work, the antimicrobial properties of Aloe barbadensis Miller and Aloe arborescens

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  • L'Aloe Arborescens : Entretien, Arrosage, Exposition - QAMP

    2021.3.18  L’Aloe arborescens est gourmand en eau mais seulement en été, pendant les fortes chaleurs. Au jardin ou en pot, arrosez-le 1 à 2 fois par semaine. En hiver, stoppez complètement les arrosages. L’Aloe arborescens n’aime pas la terre humide qui augmente le risque de pourrissement des racines.

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  • 并不是所有的芦荟品种都可以美容 - 知乎

    2018.7.13  木立芦荟(学名:Aloe arborescens Mill.),又称木剑芦荟。茎短或明显,叶肉质,呈莲座状簇生或有时二列着生,先端锐尖,边缘常有硬齿或刺。花葶从叶丛中抽出,总状花序或伞形花序,花被圆筒状,有时稍弯曲,通常外轮3枚花被片合生至中部,雄蕊6,着生于基部,花丝较长,花药背着,花柱细长,柱头 ...

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  • Plants Free Full-Text Chemical Profile, Antioxidant and

    2023.2.15  Aloe arborescens Mill’s extracts have been explored for antibacterial and antioxidant efficacies. However, there is limited information on its chemical composition and mechanism of action. The purpose of this study was to assess the chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities and mechanism of the whole leaf extract of A.

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  • Profile of bioactive secondary metabolites and

    2017.12.1  barbadensis Mill.) and Aloe arborescens Mill.] are currently used for the extraction of cosmetic and nutraceutical active ingredients. Datamonitor Consumer’s Product Launch Analytics database reported that A. vera was the only Aloe species used as ingredient in more than 50 different product categories ...

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  • Chemical Profile, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities,

    2023.2.15  Aloe arborescens Mill’s extracts have been explored for antibacterial and antioxidant efficacies. However, there is limited information on its chemical composition and mechanism of action. The purpose of this study was to assess the chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities and mechanism of the whole leaf extract of A.

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  • In vitro plant regeneration, secondary metabolite production and ...

    2012.6.27  Aloe species are highly-prized for their ornamental value and have been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine. Due to their habitat loss and exploitation for medicinal and ornamental plant trade, many species in this genus have become threatened. One of the most important globally rated medicinal species in Aloe genus is A.

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  • Aloe Arborescens - Bienfaits, Vertus, Posologie

    2020.6.22  Propriétés. Les vertus et bienfaits de l’Aloe arborescens dérivent de : l’aloïne, l’aloénine, l'aloésone, furoaloésone sont présents dans l’exsudat des feuilles. L’aloïne est laxative, anti-inflammatoire et anti

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  • Chemical Profile, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities,

    2023.2.15  Abstract: Aloe arborescens Mill’s extracts have been explored for antibacterial and antioxidant efficacies. However, there is limited information on its chemical composition and mechanism of action. The purpose of this study was to assess the chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities

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  • キダチアロエ Aloe arborescens ツルボラン科 Asphodelaceae ...

    2021.3.7  1 Aloe arborescens Mill. キダチアロエ 木立蘆薈 アフリカ南部原産。英名はcandelabra aloe , candelabra-plant , octopus-plant , torchplant , krantz aloe。中国名は木剑芦荟 mu jian lu hui。 多.草、低木。高さ2~3m(本では普通30~100㎝)。

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  • Impact of dry-off and lyophilized Aloe arborescens ... - Nature

    2023.3.31  Plasma samples were collected at ‒7, 0, and 7 days from dry-off (DFD) in dairy cows receiving 10 g/d of lyophilized Aloe arborescens Mill. (AL) from ‒7 to 7 days relative to dry-off or in the ...

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  • [PDF] Influence of Aloe arborescens Mill. extract on selected ...

    2013.8.1  It is concluded that Biostimine supplementation reduces the postexercise level of TBARS by increasing the antioxidant activity of plasma but has no effect on inflammatory markers. This investigation examined the effect of supplementation with Biostimine, extract from Aloe arborescens Mill. leaves, on the levels of pro-oxidant

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  • Aspects of the taxonomy of Aloe arborescens Mill.

    2012.1.1  Aloe arborescens is a common ornamental plant of Afrotropical origin that is cultivated across the world. It is grown for cosmetic and medicinal uses, due to its wound-healing, anti-bacterial ...

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  • Aloe arborescens - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    2023.11.8  En el sur de África, el Aloe arborescens se planta tradicionalmente como cerca viva o seto de seguridad. Esta especie se propaga fácilmente por esqueje, 2 soporta la sequía y se adapta tanto a pleno sol como a semisombra, pero no tolera las heladas. En regiones templadas (temperatura mínima de 10 °C) se cultiva en interiores o en viveros.

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. - World Flora Online

    2023.8.15  Aloe arborescens is found in Botswana, Swaziland, the Northern Province, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, the Western and Eastern Cape; also in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Habitat Always in rocky places, sometimes in dense bush, and at times on bleak exposed mountain sides, mostly in areas receiving 25-50

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  • Aloe arborescens Mill. - GBIF

    Aloe arborescens var. pachythyrsa A.Berger Aloe fructicosa Lam., 1783 Aloe perfoliata subsp. arborescens Aloe perfoliata var. arborescens (Mill.) Aiton Aloe perfoliata var. natalensis (J.M.Wood M.S.Evans) A.Berger Catevala arborescens (Mill.) Medik. Homonyms Aloe arborescens Mill. Common names Aloès Candélabre in French Aloès

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