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仪器简介:. Glen Creston是一家英国老牌研磨、粉碎等产品的制造商,公司成立于1955.。. 发展至今已拥有了全面的样品研磨及粉碎产品线。. 产品包括球磨仪、盘磨仪、鄂式粉碎
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2010.4.7 Glen Creston 球磨仪适用于对软性、硬性、纤维质、脆性材料的精细研磨,可达到极高的研磨细度,直至亚微米级。样品处理的进料尺寸取决于研磨仪的型号,
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2019.6.29 The origin of Glen Creston Ltd dates back to 1955 when the company was established in a small office/factory in North London Glen Creston Ltd and Endecotts Ltd
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About Glen Creston. Part of Endecotts International Ltd.> Established in 1955 our experience as manufacturers and suppliers of Milling, Grinding, Sampling, Crushing and
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