Characterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria for
2023.8.21 This study sets out to characterize clay samples from these three locations in Ogun State, South West Nigeria (Ifonyintedo, Imotoyewa, and Owode-Ketu) and evaluate the pozzolanic activity of the calcined clay samples.
consulter en ligneProperties and application of Nigerian bentonite clay deposits for ...
2017.7.1 The mineral characterization of bentonite clay deposits in Nigeria in its raw form have indicated that the clays are mainly calcium-based montmorillonite and this
consulter en ligneMaterial Development Potential of Nigeria’s Kaolin
2023.3.22 Adeola et al. investigated the mineralogical, chemical, and industrial properties of two residential clay deposits and one transported clay deposit in Ijesha
consulter en ligne(PDF) Evaluation of Nigerian Source of Kaolin as A Raw
2016.6.28 PDF In the present study, a new source of kaolinitic clay (Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O) collected from Abule Onikosin Road in Abeokuta
consulter en ligneGeophysical evaluation and chemical analysis of kaolin
2009.10.1 A geophysical survey using the vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique was carried out to evaluate kaolin clay mineral deposit
consulter en ligneMajor kaolin deposits in Nigeria and estimated
Samples of clay deposits in Obudu and its environs, southeastern Nigeria were evaluated to establish their potential for industrial use. Geochemical, mineralogical and geotechnical properties...
consulter en ligneA Synoptic Review of Mineralogical and Chemical Characteristics
2021.6.1 reported to be present in clays deposit found in selected part of Ogun state. From reviewed articles, it was observed that mineralogical and chemical
consulter en ligneCharacterization of some clays from Nigeria for their use in drilling ...
2015.11.1 Fortunately, clay deposits occur abundantly in the sedimentary basins of Nigeria, especially in the southeastern part (Fig. 1). In this part of the country past
consulter en ligne(a) Kaolin mining in Ifonyintedo; (b) Geological
The assessment of natural radionuclide concentration in kaolin deposits and dose rate within Delta state, Nigeria has been carried out. Four kaolin mining sites within four Local Government Areas ...
consulter en ligneEvaluation of source rock potential and hydrocarbon
2019.12.1 Introduction Section snippets References (26) Cited by (4) Journal of African Earth Sciences Volume 160, December 2019, 103603 Evaluation of source rock
consulter en ligneMajor kaolin deposits in Nigeria and estimated
Several chemical analyses of clay deposits in Nigeria show that clay deposits from different geologic origins and formations have different oxide contents (Osemenam et a,l, 2019;Jong et al., 2018 ...
consulter en ligneInvestigating the Industrial Potentials of Some Selected Nigerian Clay ...
Some Selected Nigerian Clay Deposits. Journal of Minerals and Materials Charac-terization and Engineering, 6, 569-586. ... [13] [14] [15]. Also, tests on clay deposits in Onibode, Ijo-po in Ogun State and Are-Ekiti State revealed that their properties compare fa-vorably with imported refractories . The mineralogical, physical, geochem[16] i-
consulter en ligne(PDF) Evaluation of Chemical and Physico-Mechanical
2018.9.1 It has been reported that clays are one of the major Nigeria minerals deposits cover with estimated proven reserves of billions of tones, and these clays deposits are scattered all over the states ...
consulter en ligneProperties and Application of Nigerian Bentonite Clay Deposits
2017.7.1 Reports from RMRDC and NMC showed that deposits of clays in Nigeria was projected to be slightly above 700 million metric tons [35,36,37,38,39] , with large percentage of it is deposited at Afuze ...
consulter en ligneGeophysical evaluation and chemical analysis of kaolin clay deposit
kaolin clay mineral deposit of Lakiri village, Obafemi-Owode local government area of Ogun State, Southwestern, Nigeria. Thirty three (33) Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VES) were acquired at three different sites. The data obtained was interpreted using WingGLink software to determine the
consulter en ligne(a) Kaolin mining in Ifonyintedo; (b) Geological domains of Ogun state ...
Ifonyintedo is a town located in Idiroko local council development area, Ipokia local government area, Ogun state, SW Nigeria. The town has a population of approximately 10, 000.
consulter en ligne(PDF) The Occurrence of Tar Sands at Ijebu-Itele ... - ResearchGate
2013.1.1 Ogun State, the study area, is bounded by geographical coordinates of easting 3.0°–5.0° and northing 6.2°–7.8° of tropical rainforest region, Southwestern Nigeria.
consulter en ligne(PDF) Impact of Marble Mining on Selected Soil Properties in
2021.6.1 Lime Products and Economic Aspects of Igbeti, Ososo and Jakuta Deposits in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Mining and Geology, 31(1):78-89. Environmental Impact Assessment for Sustainable ...
consulter en ligneCharacterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria for
2023.8.21 The SAI of calcined clay samples from Owode-Ketu (C-OK), Imotoyewa (C-IM) and Ifonyintedo (C-IF) in Ogun state-Nigeria were investigated by partially replacing cement content with 20 wt% pozzolan. The compressive strength of the calcined clays of C-IF, C-OK, and C-IM was determined by partially replacing cement at different
consulter en ligneJuwon Abayomi-Zannu - ROSTON GROUP LinkedIn
• Assisted a neurodivergent child and her mother in Ogun state, Nigeria, by conducting research on neurodiversity, compiling resources on raising children with autism, and providing Show more • Performed blood sugar and blood pressure monitoring for the elderly in Obafemi-Owode community, Owode-Egba, Ogun state, Nigeria.
There are three different clay deposit grades in Nigeria including kaolinite,microcline and musovite. All are very useful in bricks making and construction because of their chemical composition and structural forms.
consulter en ligne(PDF) Properties and application of Nigerian bentonite
Historical antecedents of clay deposits Nigeria, Fika shale unit in North-East Nigeria, Imo shale unit (this forms a belt across the southern part of Nigeria), and the shale units of Early research showed that the mining of
consulter en ligneMineral Resources In Ogun State, Uses – Information
Here are some of the uses of some of the major mineral resources in Ogun State: – Limestone: Limestone is actually a sedimentary rock that is made up of composition calcium carbonate with various other minerals. These minerals are usually mined in quarry benches. Professionals are able to separate the rock and get it divided into blocks.
consulter en ligneCharacterization of Some Selected Silica Sand Deposits in South
i. Osooro sand deposit (river bed sand) Oyo state. 2.4 Grain Shape ii. Opa sand deposit (river bed sand) Osun state. iii. Igbokoda sand deposit (sea sand) Ondo state. some factors such as the compaction and flowability. iv. Ote sand deposit (river bed sand) Ogun state. 2.2 Clay Content Test A 100 g sample was dried at 110 o C and placed inside
consulter en ligneGeotechnical Properties and Geochemical Composition of Kaolin Deposits
2017.1.1 Several chemical analyses of clay deposits in Nigeria show that clay deposits from different geologic origins and formations have different oxide contents (Osemenam et a,l, 2019;Jong et al., 2018 ...
consulter en ligneglobaljournalseries, Email: info@globaljournalseries ...
Figure 1: Map of Nigeria Figure 2: Map of Ogun State showing study site 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD 2.1 Collection of Phosphate Rocks Ogun and Sokoto phosphate rock deposits were chosen out of four in Nigeria (Fig. 1) because they are found in commercial quantities (Obaje et al., 2014). Ogun State phosphate rock was collected from Oja-
consulter en ligneAnalysis of Physical Parameters of Limestone Deposits in
2012.6.19 Ogun State, the study area, is bounded by geographical coordinates of easting 3.0°–5.0° and northing 6.2°–7.8° of tropical rainforest region, Southwestern Nigeria.
consulter en ligneLithological mapping of Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria, using ...
2019.4.15 Okosun EA, Alkali YB (2013) The geochemistry, origin and reserve evaluation of Sokoto phosphate deposit, north-western Nigeria. Earth Sci Res 2(2):111–121. Article Google Scholar Olokode OS, Aiyedun PO, Kuye SI, Adekunle NO, Lee WE (2010) Evaluation of a clay mineral deposit in Abeokuta, South-West Nigeria.
consulter en lignePorosity of clay brick obtained from site B - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram Porosity of clay brick obtained from site B from publication: CHARACTERIZATION OF UJOGBA CLAY DEPOSITS IN EDO STATE, NIGERIA FOR REFRACTORY APPLICATIONS p> Ujogba ...
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